Why is it worth studying at WSEI? - College of Economics and Computer Science

Why is it worth studying at WSEI?

How do our graduates fall in the labour market compared to other universities? The Economic Report- The Future of Graduates published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education confirms that our graduates fare excellently in the labour market.

Check how our students fall in the categories mentioned below:


Data regarding the graduates of Informatics and Econometrics

  • Percentage of graduates that have had work experience in the first year after obtaining their diploma:

WSEI graduates - 92.7%

AGH UST graduates - 78.6%

  • Percentage of graduates who have had the experience of working under a contract of employment in the first year after obtaining their diploma:

WSEI graduates - 76.4%

AGH UST graduates - 57.1%

  • Average monthly remuneration for employment contracts in the first year after graduation:

WSEI graduates - PLN 3980,97 (?)

AGH graduates - PLN 3652.54


 Data on graduates in the field of MANAGEMENT

  • Average time (in months) between obtaining a diploma and getting a job with a contract of employment after obtaining the diploma:

Graduates of the Jagiellonian University - 0.54

WSEI graduates - 1.08

Graduates from UEK - 1.57


  • Percentage of graduates who have had the experience of working under a contract of employment in the first year after obtaining their diploma:

WSEI graduates - 77.3%

EUK graduates - 70.4%

Graduates from Jagiellonian University - 67.6%


  • Average monthly salary in the first year after obtaining their diploma (full time contract job):

Graduates of the Jagiellonian University - PLN 3730.62

WSEI graduates - 3458,81 PLN

EUK graduates - PLN 2571.74


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