EXPERT MODULES - WHAT ARE THEY ALL ABOUT? FAQ - College of Economics and Computer Science


WSEI is one of the first colleges in Poland that remodelled the approach to the specialty (in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry)

Most universities offer specializations within the field of study, where studies are arranged from beginning to end. You choose a specialty after which the level of flexibility is limited. At WSEI, you choose a field of study with a modular system that resembles Lego blocks. As part of the course, you only have to do certain mandatory subjects, after which you can curate your study format based on your individual interests. Apart from that, you can combine the blocks from other directions as well. Let's say you are studying computer science at WSEI but also have an interest in Psychology or Finance. The modular system then allows you to learn more about subjects outside of the range of your degree as well.


  • What is a module?
    The module (formerly called the specialty) is a set of subjects which upon completion will give you specialist knowledge and practical skills in a given area. At WSEI you do not have to limit yourself to one subject! You can choose modules from different areas, so you can pick from all three directions. The modules can be freely combined and arranged your individual study plan (path of education). To obtain the final diploma, you must complete compulsory subjects and a minimum of one module, but you can always choose more. Compulsory subjects are a set of subjects, upon completion of which you will gain the basic knowledge and skills required from graduates of a given field.Each of the three majors have their own package of compulsory subjects. You will supplement the basic knowledge acquired through them with specialist knowledge from selected modules.


  • What is the path of education?
    The learning path is your individual study plan. It begins with compulsory subjects. At the end of the first year of studies you choose modules that will interest you and give you specialist knowledge . The requirement is to pass at least one module, but we encourage you to choose different modules, and even choose individual items. All completed modules will be presented on your graduation diploma. Explore the range of expert modules here:
    Expert Modules for Computer Science / Expert Modules for Business Administration


  • What is the recommended path?
    In our opinion, some of the modules fit together and complement each other like puzzles. After completing compulsory subjects and two such matching modules, you will be perfectly prepared to perform specific, attractive professions, highly valued on the labor market. For example, the Front End Developer module in combination with the Back End Developer module will allow you to work as a Full Stack Developer . Find what connections are most suitable for your direction be it: IT, Management and Finance. To assist with completion of these modules, we arrange class schedules in such a way that their dates are perfectly coordinated with each other.Of course, you can choose other modules that are more interesting to you, keeping in mind that the dates do not conflict with each other.


  • Why should I choose modules?
    By completing specific modules, you will gain well profiled, in-depth knowledge, skills and experience that will make you a qualified and valued candidate in the labor market.


  • Do I have to choose my modules right away?
    No . You choose modules only at the end of the first year. After starting your studies at WSEI, you will have enough time to find out which modules are most interesting to you.


  • How many modules do I have to choose?
    To complete your studies and obtain a diploma, you only need to complete at least one module . However, it may not be enough to collect the required number of ECTS points. If the implementation of compulsory subjects and one module gives you too little ECTS, you must choose another module or individual subjects. The number of points assigned to each subject can be found on the pages of individual modules. We encourage you to get more ECTS than the minimum required!

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