Sales Management - College of Economics and Computer Science
Zarządzanie sprzedażą

About the module

O module

Moduł rekomendowany dla osób, które chcą pracować w sprzedaży, zapewniamy kompleksowy program szkoleniowy przygotowujący studentów do objęcia kluczowych stanowisk sprzedażowych, Sales Manager, Key Account Manager czy Regional Sales Manager. Studenci nie tylko będą zdobywać wiedzę, uczyć się kluczowych pojęć, ale zostaną też zaznajomieni z najnowszymi narzędziami i praktykami, które są najczęściej wykorzystywane w biznesie i sprzedaży,  w tym przede wszystkim z MS Dynamics. Dzięki temu nabędą oni potrzebne umiejętności praktyczne. Moduł ma za zadanie przygotować studentów do pracy w działach sprzedaży firm krajowych i zagranicznych. Student po ukończeniu tego modułu będzie posiadał wiedzę oraz kompetencje, które są wymagane na rynku pracy.

Module coordinator:


Your education path

In order to obtain a BA diploma you need at least 184 ECTS.

In your first year you take obligatory courses and later, starting with the third semester (that is your second year), you choose what you want to study. How? It is easy. Choose at least one module (formerly called a specialty) which is most interesting for you and then continue along  the chosen path till the end of your studies. If you wish, you can take next modules or individual subjects- including those from other fields of study. All modules you complete will be visible on your diploma.

134 ECTS

Obligatory courses


Sales Management


Other modules or elective courses

Courses included in the module

Sales Management with MS Dynamics – Certificate
Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales allows sellers to build strong customer relationships. Thanks to MS Dynamics we can act using the right information about your customers. During the course you will learn to how to sell wisely thanks to customer analysis; how to build relationships through authentic, personal involvement; how to connect with clients using social media; how to improve the company’s performance and revenues; how to speed up the sales process; how to improve sales efficiency; how to motivate your sales team.
Sales Methods and Techniques
In this course you study the process of sales from the buyer and seller perspectives. You will learn how to plan, organize and execute a sales process, what sales methods and techniques are available for a savvy sales specialist and how to use them effectively.
Sales Psychology
You will learn to understand consumers and their behavior. The course will shed light on the phenomenon of buying / selling from the perspectives of both the seller and the buyer. You will learn to analyze advertising and other marketing tools of influence and understand their mechanics and science behind them. Also , you will learn most important techniques the sellers use to influence the buyers.
Capstone project
Capstone project integrates all knowledge and skills provided by the expert courses within the module in the practical context. In the course of the capstone project, you will carry out your own real-life project to show that you have acquired knowledge and professional skills expected from the students upon completion of this expert module.

Your education path

What options do you have next?

You can choose the recommended module.

You can choose a module from the list those that, in our opinion, will suit you best.

You can choose other modules, including those from the other study programs.

You can choose particular additional subjects, one module is enough to get a degree.

Consider the following options:
Digital Marketing
Sales Management

E-commerce Specialist

Sales Management
Domestic and International Logistics

Sales Logistics Specialist

Sales Management
Human Resources

Sales Team Manager

High-Tech Marketing
Sales Management

Marketing and Sales Specialist on Innovative Products

Sales Management
Database Design

Sales Reporting Specialist

We strongly recommend you choose the Human Resources module or the High-Tech Marketing module after you complete the Sales Management module. By selecting this option, you can be sure that your schedule won't include classes conducted at the same time. In another way, you may need to attend classes with different groups to avoid overlaps.

Tomasz Czapran

Tomasz Czapran, PhD, Eng.

CRM Trainer at Riverland Reply GmbH

Module coordinator recommendation

Moduł idealnie skrojony dla tych, którzy chcą pracować w sprzedaży! Tym, co go wyróżnia jest kompleksowy program szkoleniowy przygotowujący studentów do objęcia najważniejszych stanowisk sprzedażowych. Praktycy i trenerzy sprzedaży, wsparci technologią, wykorzystując najlepsze narzędzia na rynku, w tym przede wszystkim Microsoft Dynamics wprowadzą Cię w świat biznesu i sprzedaży. Po ukończeniu tego modułu będziesz miał właściwą wiedzę oraz kompetencje, wymagane na rynku pracy.

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